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EIBilling Report Improvements and Tutorials

UPDATED (6/30):

A number of system improvements have been made in EI Billing. These improvements have been developed based on requests received from providers, and include new and updated reports. Below are brief descriptions of these updated reports, including links to detailed tutorials on how to access and use the new functionality.

A new Insurance Remittance Data Report provides new and enhanced functionality for providers, including greater search capability for specific remittance data, and more efficient sorting and exporting of relevant data. The tutorial for this report can be accessed here: V2-Insurance Remittance Data

A new Claim Research Report combines the functionality of several reports and adds enhanced search criteria, allowing providers greater flexibility to work claims from multiple levels. The tutorial for this report can be accessed here: V2-Claim Research Tutorial

An updated Child Lookup Report adds a new Medicaid eligibility tab, which provides a child's most recent Medicaid eligibility information, The tutorial for this report can be accessed here: V2-Child Lookup Tutorial

An updated Posted EOBs Report increases search functionality by adding multiple search fields, and adds a clickable function for several data points. The tutorial for this report can be accessed here: V2-Posted EOBs Tutorial

Insurance Claims Needing Attention has been updated to provide a new search function with several fields, and improved sortability. The tutorial for this report can be accessed here: V2-Insurance Claims Needing Attention Tutorial

In addition to these report improvements, the site has also been updated to improve readability and ergonomics, including ADA-compliant fonts and a new color scheme.

If you have any questions, please call the PCG Customer Services Center at 1-866-315-3747.

Article ID: 166, Created On: 5/23/2014, Modified: 10/28/2015

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