This is to inform EI Billing Providers of
some changes to billing codes used for certain services. Below are descriptions
of the changes:
Ø EI Billing
Providers that bill for family training / team meetings performed by a licensed therapist should use CPT code 96155 for all commercial payers. 96155 is described as a "Health and behavioral intervention service provided to a family without the patient present."
Ø For payer
Healthnow, T1027 and S9445 are not
billable codes. Claims billed to Healthnow with these codes will be denied
with the following: “Ineligible code, provider cannot bill the patient”.
Billing Providers who receive this denial should review their claims to
determine if the services were rendered by a licensed therapist – if so, the Provider should resubmit with code
If you have any questions, please contact the
PCG Customer Service Center at (866) 315-3747.
Article ID: 271, Created On: 7/31/2015, Modified: 8/4/2015