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Payment Process Overview

Old Process Overview:

Previously to April 1, 2013, providers would submit bills to the county, who would pay the providers upfront.  The county would then try to collect reimbursement from insurance companies and Medicaid.

New Process Overview:

In 2012, as part of the budget, NYS enacted a change whereby providers would first seek reimbursement from commercial insurance, then Medicaid, and finally the county would be the payer of last resort.  The change also provided for the Department of Health to implement a Fiscal Agent (FA) to manage the claiming and reimbursement process for providers.

With this new model, claims will still need to pass edit checks in KIDS and NYEIS, but claims submitted via KIDS or NYEIS are forwarded to the Interim Fiscal Agent System (IFSA) to manage the claiming and reimbursement process for providers.  The IFSA will first try to bill any commercial insurance a child has, then Medicaid, and any remaining balance on a claim will be paid out of the county-funded state escrow account.



The IFSA will only bill insurance companies or policies that are regulated by NYS insurance law.  If a child does not have insurance or the insurance is not regulated by NYS, the claim will move forward to Medicaid.  Insurance companies will not be billed for service coordination or special instruction – these claims will move forward to Medicaid.  If a child has multiple insurance policies (ex: covered by two parents), all claiming against all policies will be attempted.  Providers will receive payment via check directly from insurance companies.  Depending on the company, this process of billing and waiting for a response can take time.



The IFSA will receive a CIN number for all Medicaid eligible children from KIDS or NYEIS.  All services for children with a Medicaid CIN will be claimed to Medicaid.  If a child does not have a Medicaid CIN, the claim will move forward to the county funded escrow account.  Providers will receive payment from Medicaid via check or electronically, depending on the provider.* Response and payment from Medicaid are timely and predictable.  For more information, see the Medicaid Cycle.

*If you wish to receive payment electronically, you need to enroll with eMedNY for an EFT.

County Escrow Account:

The remaining balance of a bill will be paid out of the county-funded state escrow account.  The IFSA will do a bi-weekly sweep for outstanding claims and request that the state issue payment to providers.  Counties will be responsible for depositing reimbursement to the escrow account.  Providers will receive payment via check directly from the escrow account.

Article ID: 54, Created On: 5/7/2013, Modified: 10/28/2015

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