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Re-Approvals for Individuals and Agencies Who Have an Approval/Agreement Which Expires September 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024


New York State Department of Health
Bureau of Early Intervention Electronic Mailing List

Re-Approvals for Individuals and Agencies Who Have an Approval/Agreement

Which Expires September 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024

The New York State (NYS) Department of Health (DOH) Early Intervention Program (EIP) will be adopting the EI-Hub as the new NYS EIP case and provider management system on October 15, 2024. This communication is being sent with revised transition deadlines based on an October 15, 2024 launch date for EI-Hub.  This communication replaces all prior versions and any deadlines set prior.  The new extension date has been set and ONLY applies to providers who have a provider agreement end date which falls between September 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024.  Providers with an earlier expiration date who do not submit their re-approval paperwork timely will not be granted an automatic extension due to the EI-Hub implementation.

There are critical transition activities and dates providers should be aware of and plan for as the system transition approaches. One of these transition activities impacts DOH approved providers who have agreement expiration dates between the months of September 2024 and December 2024.  EIP providers are required to undergo re-approval every five years.  In preparation for the transition to the EI-Hub, the Bureau of Early Intervention’s (BEI) Provider Approval Unit (PAU) will stop accepting paper re-approval applications several weeks prior to the EI-Hub launch. Once the EI-Hub launches, providers will be able to submit their re-approval requests directly through the EI-Hub provider management module.

Providers must know their re-approval date. Providers can determine the end date of their approval/agreement by accessing the appropriate spreadsheet on the Central Directory of Early Intervention Services and Resources (Information for Service Providers (  The ‘Primary Agreement End Date’ will provide the date that your agreement expires.  If you determine your re-approval is due during the transition period (during the months of September 2024 through December 2024), or immediately following the system transition there are two options to prevent a lapse in your agreement.


  1. Submit your paperwork for re-approval before August 19, 2024:

Providers who have agreements expiring between September 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024, will receive an email from DOH with their re-approval paperwork.  To ensure the processing of re-approvals happen seamlessly, complete this paperwork, and submit to DOH as soon as possible, but no later than August 19, 2024. If your agreement is expiring on or before December 31, 2024, and you do not receive an email from DOH with the re-approval paperwork approximately 90 days before your agreement expiration date, please check your e-mail SPAM folder, if not present, email the Provider Approval Unit at to request re-approval paperwork with a suggested Subject Line: Re-approval Paperwork Needed.

  1. Submit in EI-Hub – One-time agreement extension:

If re-approval paperwork has not been received and processed by DOH prior to go-live (October 15, 2024), BEI will be implementing a one-time extension to provider agreement.  This extension is only applicable to providers who have agreement’s expiring between September 1, 2024, and December 31, 2024. Agreements will be extended to December 31, 2024.  You must submit your re-approval paperwork through EI-Hub at least 20 business days (December 2, 2024) prior to the end date of your one-time extended agreement end date (December 31, 2024) so that BEI has time to process your re-approval request. This extension is expected to provide approved providers ample time to access EI-Hub training, become familiar with the EI-Hub and the new process for submitting a re-approval request, and submit their re-approval request through the EI-Hub provider management module. If your re-approval is submitted late and not processed by BEI before the end date of your agreement, you will not be able to be selected for services or bill for any dates of services after your agreement expiration date. You may also be required to submit a new application through the Provider Enrollment Tool (PAT).

Current Agreement End Date


End Date Changes

Re-approval Path

Through August  31, 2024

Remains as is

Re-approval should be submitted using the current paper process before the existing agreement end-date.

September 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024

One time extension to 12/31/2024

Providers may submit paperwork for early re-approval through the current paper process no later than August 19 , 2024


If paperwork is not submitted early, providers will receive a one-time extension to 12/31/2024 and must submit their re-approval through the EI-Hub 20 business days prior (12/2/2024) to the end of this agreement extension end date.

January 1, 2025 and after

Remains as is

Providers will submit their re-approval request in the EI-Hub at least 20 business days prior to their existing agreement end date.


Frequently Asked Questions about Re-Approval:


Question: I am a DOH approved provider, how do I find out when my approval and provider agreement expire?

Response:  Within the EI Program’s Central Directory of Early Intervention Services and Resources (, click the applicable Excel Spreadsheet that aligns with your EIP approval (Individual) and your Agreement Type (Appendix or Basic Only). The Central Directory is divided in sections: 

  • Agencies/Municipalities with Appendix Agreements (XLSX)
  • Individuals with Appendix Agreements (XLSX)  
  • Individuals with Basic Agreements (XLSX)  

Locate your approval by searching by Name, State ID, or National Provider Identifier (NPI). Under the column heading Primary Agreement End Date, you will find the information about your Agreement End Date. In addition, if you have a NYEIS User Role you may be able to view your Agreement End Date(s) by clicking Agreements on the left side Navigation bar. 


Question:  I am an individual provider, why can’t I locate my approval in the applicable spreadsheet under the heading Central Directory of Early Intervention Services and Resources? 

Response:  If you cannot locate your approval, the following suggestions may apply:

  • Make sure you are searching both spreadsheets (Individuals with Appendix Agreements, Individuals with Basic Agreements).  
  • If you are searching by name, search by one part of the name (e.g., last name or one word in the agency’s name). Or you can search by another identifier (e.g., NYS Provider ID/State ID if known or National Provider Identifier). 
  • The spreadsheets are very large and may not open completely on a phone or tablet. Using a desktop computer or a laptop to open the spreadsheets will produce the best results.
  • The Central Directory does not include any provider who has an agreement that has expired prior to the date the Central Directory was posted.  If you cannot locate your name on the Central Directory, please contact the BEI Provider Approval Unit for additional information at


Amendments- Applicable to any provider who is requesting an amendment to their approval.

The New York State (NYS) Early Intervention Program (EIP) will be adopting the EI-Hub as the new NYS EIP case and provider management system on October 15, 2024. This communication is being sent with revised transition deadlines based on an October 15, 2024 launch date for EI-Hub.  This communication replaces all prior versions and any deadlines set prior.  There are critical transition activities and dates providers should be aware of and plan for as the system transition approaches. Providers will be using the EI-Hub to update their provider information and to submit amendment requests to the NYS Department of Health (DOH) Bureau of Early Intervention (BEI) Provider Approval, Due Process, and Monitoring Unit (PAU).

PAU will continue to accept amendment requests and all required documentation to support the request until September 3, 2024. This results in a several week period prior to the launch of the EI-Hub where providers will not be able to submit amendment requests. During this time, PAU will continue to process and approve amendments submitted on or before September 3, 2024, with the goal of having these amendments approved and active in the EI-Hub when it launches.  If your amendment request is not received and approved by DOH prior to the date NYEIS goes offline, you will have to resubmit your amendment request and any required documentation through the EI-Hub after EI-Hub launch. If approved while NYEIS is still accessible, these changes will be reflected in the provider’s profile per the current process and providers will be able to begin providing services consistent with the amended approval.


Amendment Submission Date

Amendment Approval Date

Amendment Effective Date

On or before September 3, 2024

Before transition period, while NYEIS is still accessible.

Upon approval of the amendment, the provider profile will be updated in NYEIS and services will be provided consistent with the amendment. The amended provider profile will be reflected in the EI-Hub at go-live.

September 4, 2024 through launch of EI-Hub (10/15/2024)

N/A – Amendment request will not be accepted and must be re-submitted through the EI-Hub after go-live.

The amendment will need to be re-submitted through the EI-Hub once launched. Services provided will remain consistent with active agreement until the amendment is approved and reflected in the provider profile. 

After launch of EI-Hub (10/15/2024)

Amendments will be submitted through the EI-Hub.

The amendment submission and approval process will occur through the EI-Hub. While the amendment is being processed the provider will continue to provider services consistent with the original agreement. Upon approval of the amendment the provider profile will be updated in EI-Hub, and services will be provided consistent with the amendment.


If you have questions about this communication please email the Provider Approval, Monitoring, and Due Process Unit (PAU) at  


Article ID: 513, Created On: 6/25/2024, Modified: 6/25/2024

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