Please note:
This is an update related to an earlier communication, PCG Transitioning to New Insurance
Claims Clearinghouse.
To assist Early
Intervention Program (EIP) Billing Providers meet the December 15, 2021
deadline to transition from Change Healthcare to Trizetto, PCG will complete
and auto-sign all insurance payer forms on behalf of EIP Billing Providers needed
for the transition. PCG is taking this step to assist with a seamless transition
to Trizetto and reduce the burden on EIP Billing Providers. Our team will not
enroll EIP Billing Providers with new insurance payers.
If you do not wish
PCG to complete and auto-sign the insurance payer forms on your behalf for Trizetto,
please send an email to no later than December 1, 2021. EIP
Billing Providers that decline PCG’s assistance with these forms will be
required to complete and send all forms to PCG/Trizetto by December 10, 2021.
If you have any
questions, please contact the PCG Customer Service Call Center at (866) 315-3747.
Article ID: 455, Created On: 11/18/2021, Modified: 11/18/2021