On November 5, 2015, Health Republic Insurance of New York
(HRI), at the direction of the NYS Department of Financial Services, announced
they would no longer issue payments for insurance claims. As a result, many NYS
Early Intervention (EI) Providers have not been issued payments for claims submitted to HRI.
The Bureau of Early Intervention (BEI) and the State Fiscal
Agent (SFA) have worked together to ensure that EI providers will be reimbursed
for these unpaid claims approved for payment by HRI. During the week of May 9,
the SFA will issue a special escrow payment for HRI claims with dates of
service prior to December 1, 2015. This includes approximately 2,400 claims,
totaling over $180,000 in payments to EI Billing Providers. Payment will be
issued as a special check run and will be executed after the regular check run
for the week.
HRI claims not included in this payment are those claims
denied for coordination of benefits (CO-22). All such claims will be included
with other CO-22 claims and addressed via the CO-22 payment process.
If you have any questions about the HRI
special claims payment, please contact the PCG Customer Service Center at (866)
Article ID: 322, Created On: 5/13/2016, Modified: 5/13/2016